

Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 16.04.2008
Написано: 13839


Понедельник, 04 Августа 2008 г. 22:19 + в цитатник
Как это переводится?


The domain trussikov.com has recently become available for us and we are now offering it to you, because you own the .net version of it.

Domain Alert Service is intended to assist our clients with their promotion on the Internet. We use a lot of methods to increase the effectiveness of a client's presence on the Web. One of those is securing .com domains for anyone using another extension for their site.

There are several reasons why owning a .com is of great importance for any domain holder:
- History of Internet has built up its character: .com is most popular and widely used, and the typical user usually supposes that he/she will find you at trussikov.com as the users often forget the proper extension. A lot of companies and organizations who use other extensions as primary (.net for Web services or private sites, .org for non-profit organizations etc.) are securing .coms not to lose the visitors who are seeking them there.
- By owning the .com, you will be sure to stay #1 in your own name space.

If you are interested in this domain, please act quickly, as we soon intend to bring it to the auction where the acquisition cost will be higher than now.

Secure trussikov.com now!

Best regards,
Dan Kagan
Domain Alert Service

Summerlight   обратиться по имени Понедельник, 04 Августа 2008 г. 23:08 (ссылка)
Ох.. Тим, если не срочно, полностью переведу завтра, а пока - в красках описывают преимущества домена .ком и все такое
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